Homo Hunting. Journey into the Land of Homophobia

Original title: Caccia all’omo. Viaggio nel paese dell’omofobia

By: Alliva S.

First published in Italy: Fandango Libri, 2020

Genere: Social sciences

Overview: A research into homophobic violence in Italy. Simone Alliva has traveled from North to South to collect the stories of those who have gone through, and still do, the effects of a continuous incitement to hatred and denial of their existence. An accurate investigation, the first of its kind, with statistics and in-depth analysis of the reasons and consequences of such an exacerbation of the debate’s tone. This book gives us an important warning: the hunt for the “different” is on, and when faced with armed hands, no one can consider themselves safe.

The House of Sleep

Original title: The House of Sleep

By: Coe J.

First published in Italy: Feltrinelli, 2013

Genere: Novel

Overview: The novel is set in Ashdown, a town near the sea, in England. The heart of the story is The House of Sleep, a building perched on top of a cliff overlooking the ocean. In the early eighties, it is a lodging for university students. Here the destinies of the characters meet, touch or ignore each other. It is an authentic “castle of crossed destinies”, where dreams come true and visions dissolve, where there are those who sleep too much and those who sleep too little, those who prefer to dream rather than live and those who would rather not lose a single minute of life in sleep.

Hurray for Snow: Trans and Transgender Lives

Original title: Evviva la neve: vite di trans e transgender

By: Vaccarello D.

First published in Italy: Mondadori, 2010

Genere: Non-fiction, reportage

Overview: A coverage of gender migration, the mysterious and noticeable struggle of transgender people before, during, and after the operating room.