Gruppo Trans APS
Association/Collective - Private

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Contact person

Andrea Ruggeri


Via Pietralata, 58 c/o Porta Pratello Bologna (BO)

Service hours

Monday10:30AM/12:30PM 3.30PM/6PM
Tuesday10:30AM/12:30PM 3.30PM/6PM
Wednesday10:30AM/12:30PM 3.30PM/6PM
Thursday10:30AM/12:30PM 3.30PM/6PM
Friday10:30AM/12:30PM 3.30PM/6PM
Saturday10:30AM/12:30PM 3.30PM/6PM

Esclusivamente su appuntamento. Per gli appuntamenti scrivere alle mail dedicate:
servizio APAG:
supporto alla terapia ormonale:
servizi Nutra - con AUSL Bologna:
servizi di assistenza legale:
casa rifugio Lucy Salani:

Psychological supportCostWaiting time
Psychologist Cost of the first meeting: Gratuito
Cost of subsequent meetings: € 50.00 €
15 days
Other specialist medical supportCostWaiting time
Nutritionist Cost of the first visit: Gratuito
Cost of subsequent visits: Free
7 days
Legal aidWaiting time
Legal aid for gender transition
Free legal aid if in possession of the requisites (plus charges if due): Yes
3/5 days
Legal aid against discrimination based on gender identity
Free legal aid if in possession of the requisites (plus charges if due): Yes
3/5 days
Legal aid in the labour sector
Free legal aid if in possession of the requisites (plus charges if due): Yes
3/5 days
Legal aid in the health sector
Free legal aid if in possession of the requisites (plus charges if due): Yes
3/5 days
Legal aid in the sports sector
Free legal aid if in possession of the requisites (plus charges if due): Yes
3/5 days
Legal adviceCostWaiting time
Legal advice on gender transition Cost: Free3/5 days
Legal advice against discrimination based on gender identity Cost: Free3/5 days
Legal advice in the labour sector Cost: Free3/5 days
Legal advice in the health sector Cost: Free3/5 days
Legal advice in the sports sector Cost: Free3/5 days
Other servicesCostWaiting time
Help line Cost of the first meeting: Free
Cost of subsequent meetings: Free
3/5 days
Self-help and Mutual Aid Groups Cost of the first meeting: Free
Cost of subsequent meetings: Free
3/5 days
ENDOCRINOLOGY SERVICE Cost of the first meeting: Gratuito
Cost of subsequent meetings: Free
7 days
Incontri di socializzazione Cost of the first meeting: Gratuito
Cost of subsequent meetings: Free
1 month
Casa rifugio 15 days
Services offered to minorsCostWaiting time
In-house interviews with parents and families Cost of the first meeting: Free
Cost of subsequent meetings: Free
3/5 days
Information and guidance service Cost of the first meeting: Free
Cost of subsequent meetings: Free
3/5 days
Support for familiesCostWaiting time
Family mediation Cost of the first meeting: Free
Cost of subsequent meetings: Free
3/5 days
Information and guidance service Cost of the first meeting: Free
Cost of subsequent meetings: Free
3/5 days
Listening service Cost of the first meeting: Free
Cost of subsequent meetings: Free
3/5 days
Help line Cost of the first meeting: Free
Cost of subsequent meetings: Free
3/5 days
Self-help and Mutual Aid Groups Cost of the first meeting: Free
Cost of subsequent meetings: Free
3/5 days
Other information
Guidelines WPATH
Support and reception by transgender people for transgender people?Yes
Is a membership card required to access the services?Yes
Membership renewal1 year
Membership fee€ 10.00
Does the facility issue a report / appraisal to be presented to the court to request authorization for legal gender recognition and/or surgery?Yes
Cost of the report/appraisal to be presented in court to request authorization for legal gender recognition and/or surgery€ 150

Notes for users

La quasi totalità dei servizi e interventi è svolta da operator* alla pari format*. Lo sportello psicologico di affermazione di genere dispone di un team di psicolog* in formazione continua. Come primo contatto, sono disponibili su appuntamento operator* alla pari transgender. Su richiesta si organizzano incontri con minor* e famiglie. Socialità ricreativa di comunità, integrazione persone transgender e famiglie: laboratori d'arte/eventi sportivi/culturali e di gioco/eventi musicali in collaborazione con altre realtà cittadine. L'associazione si occupa di formazione del personale sanitario delle strutture pubbliche (croce rossa, 118, medici ecc.). L'associazione si occupa anche di tutela scolastica contro discriminazioni basate su identità di genere e orientamento sessuale, contrasto del bullismo omobitransfobico, attività di educazione alle differenze nelle scuole e nei gruppi scout.